Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chapter 23 Bob Ewell's Humiliation

Bob Ewell thought he was going to fool everyone in town in believing that Tom Robinson had raped and assaulted his daughter. But because of his reputation as a cruel, lazy, and ignorant person, it was easy for Atticus to humiliate him in the courtroom. His humiliation turned into anger which then turned into retaliation and eventually ended his life. Humiliation can
have a very bad effect on someone causing them to do strange things from suicide to murder. I've been embarrassed before but I don't think I have really been humiliated.
Vocabulary word for this chapter is furtive which means sneaky.
This is a story about what it means to be humiliated on reality TV.

Chapter 20 The Town Drunk (or is he?)

Dolphus Raymond pretends to be the town drunk so that people will leave him alone and he can live the life he prefers without ridicule. There are alot of people who pretend to be something or someone they are not. Sometimes people pretend to be rich to impress others. Some people pretend to know powerful people or celebrities to be popular. I think it would be hard to always try to be someone you are not. That takes alot of work.
This is an article that tells you how to pretend to drink alcoho.
Vocabulary word for this chapter is perpetrated fraud which means committed a lie or deception

Chapter 15 The Mob

If Jem and Scout and Dill had not snuck out and shown up at the jail, do you think the mob would have attacked Atticus? I think they would have because people might do things in a gang that they wouldn't by themselves. For example, one time my friend and I snuck into an old abandoned house and I would not have done that if I had been by myself.

This is an article that talks about a modern type of angy mob.

Vocabulary word for this chapter is uncouth which means crude,unmannerly

Chapter 14 Why did Jem snitch on Dill?

If Jem and Dill were good friends, then why did Jem tell on Dill when he ran away from home and showed up in Maycomb. Jem was old enough to understand that this was very serious and that grown ups were worried. Also he trusted Atticus to know the right thing to do.

This is a description of trust.

Vocabulary word for this chapter is infallible which means never wrong

Chapter 13 Is Aunt Alexandra a snob?

Aunt Alexandra comes from a "good" family and is proud of her good manners and her place in the town. Because she is a Finch, she has status and when she arrives in Maycomb, the other ladies want to invite her over for tea.
This website has a story about how southern ladies were supposed to behave.

Vocabulary word for this chapter is sluggish which means lacking energy; lazy

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Chapter 7 Keeping Secrets

Why didn't Jem tell Scout right away when he went back to get his pants that were caught on the fence and he found them folded up. He knew he had not left them like that and was surprised when he found them. I think he didn't tell her because he was scared.

These are the lyrics to a song called Keeping Secrets
Vocabulary word for this chapter is vigil which means a watch

Chapter 5 Lonely Girl

In this chapter, Scout is feeling left out because Jem wants to keep her out of his games with Dill. If I was feeling left out, I'd just go find someone else to play with or do something that was more fun.

This is an article that talks about why kids feel left out in school.
Vocabulary word for this chapter is benevolence which means generous or thoughtful gift